
System is a class used for the physical simulation of a collection of Particles, Springs, and Containers. It is also responsible for the visualization of such a collection. It does this by translating the properties of Particles, Springs, and Containers, to properties that vpython can use.

To simulate any new types of physical objects, subclass System and extend the simulate function. To make these new objects visualize in vpython, extend the create_vis and update_vis functions too.

To visualize the system using some different system than vpython, subclass System and override the create_vis and update_vis functions.


__init__(collides, interacts, visualize, particles=None, springs=None, container=None, visualizer_type=”vpython”, canvas=None, stop_on_cycle=False, record_amplitudes=False, display_forces=False, record_pressure=False)

Initialises a System class


collides: boolean

Whether particles in this system collide with each other or not

interacts: boolean

Whether particles in this system interact with each other via fields

visualize: boolean

Whether the things in this system are visualized

particles: array of Particles

An array of all the particles in this system

springs: array of springs

An array of all the springs in this system

container: Container

Container within which the simulation takes place

visualizer_type: string

What type of visualizer is used. Used to make sure that some vpython-specific non-essential things don’t run if different visualization method is used in a subclass. Set to anything you like if using another visualization method

canvas: vpython cavas

The canvas within which the system is visualized. Can be any type of view if System is subclassed

stop_on_cycle: boolean

Whether the simulation stops runnign when a full cycle is done. Only tested on relatively simple 1D systems, and only works when using the function run_for instead of simulate

record_amplitudes: boolean

Whether the system records the amplitudes of any oscillations. Only tested with simple 1D systems

display_forces: boolean

Whether the forces applied on the particle are displayed. By default, these vectors are displaced from the particles by 2*particle radius along the 2-axis. To change, need to subclass and edit simulate method.

record_pressure: boolean

Whether to record the pressure on the walls of the container or not


Creates a visualization. Override this method to change the visualization method.


canvas: vpython canvas

The canvas into which the visualization is drawn. For this implementation, must be a vpython canvas


Updates the visualization. Override this method to change the visualization method.

run_for(time, dt=0.01, on_step=None)

Run simulation for a certain amount of time(as measured in the simulated system’s time). Recommended to use this instead of simulate(dt) for most situations, unless need some mechanism to stop simulation on some external condition.


time: float

Time for which the simulation will run for in the system’s time

dt: float

Size of each step taken in time

on_step: function taking one unnamed argument of System

This system is passed to the function, and the defined function will be performed at the end of every step

simulate(dt = 0.01)

Simulates a time-step with a step size of dt. Collision detection, etc. happen here, so when adding new classes to simulate, extend this to add logic to simulate them.


dt: float

Size of time step taken

create_particles_in_container(number=0, speed=0, radius=0, inv_mass=1.)

Creates the given number of particles, with the given parameters, in random locations within the container. If the system has no container, this method will raise a RuntimeError.


number: integer

The number of particles to create

speed: float

The speed of these particles

radius: float

The radius of these particles

inv_mass: float

The inverse mass of these particles


particles: array of Particles

An array of all the particles in this system

springs: array of springs

An array of all the springs in this system

container: Container

Container within which the simulation takes place

collides: boolean

Whether particles in this system collide with each other or not

interacts: boolean

Whether particles in this system interact with each other via fields

visualize: boolean

Whether the things in this system are visualized

visualizer_type: string

What type of visualizer is used. Used to make sure that some vpython-specific non-essential things don’t run if different visualization method is used in a subclass. Set to anything you like if using another visualization method

canvas: vpython cavas

The canvas within which the system is visualized. Can be any type of view if System is subclassed

stop_on_cycle: boolean

Whether the simulation stops runnign when a full cycle is done. Only tested on relatively simple 1D systems, and only works when using the function run_for instead of simulate

record_amplitudes: boolean

Whether the system records the amplitudes of any oscillations. Only tested with simple 1D systems

display_forces: boolean

Whether the forces applied on the particle are displayed. By default, these vectors are displaced from the particles by 2*particle radius along the 2-axis. To change, need to subclass and edit simulate method.

record_pressure: boolean

Whether to record the pressure on the walls of the container or not

speeds: Array of floats, read only

3D speed distribution of system as an unsorted array

one_d_velocities: Array of floats, read only

1D velocity distribution of system as an unsorted array