
The SpinSystem class represents a system of spins interacting with one another. Interactions with an external inhomogeneous magnetic field can be included as an optional argument (note that the gyromagnetic ratios are unity).


__init__(spins, couplings, B_field = None, scaling = [1.0,1.0,1.0])

Initialises the spin system object.


spins: list or numpy array

Spin quantum numbers of the particles (integer or half-integer) e.g. [0.5, 1.0]

couplings: list or numpy array

NxN list for a system of N spins. The element J[i,j] gives the coupling strength between spins i and j. Positive coupling favours spin alignment. e.g. [[0,1],[1,0]]

B_field: list, optional

List of 3-dimensional vectors, [B_x, B_y, B_z], representing the magnetic flux density at each spin. e.g. [[3.0, 0, 0], [1.5, 0, 0]]

scaling: list, optional

List of floats which scale the spin-spin coupling in different directions. scaling[0] scales the Sx-Sx coupling, [1] the Sy-Sy coupling and [2] the Sz-Sz coupling.


Create a Hamiltonian with spin-pairing given by the coupling array. A linear coupling between spins and the magnetic field is included if a B_field was used to initialise the SpinSystem.

The Hamiltonian acts on Kronecker products of the spins’ states.

This function is called on initialisation and gives the instance of SpinSystem the attribute H, the Hamiltonian, as a numpy array.


Calculates the energy levels and eigenstates of the Hamiltonian using numpy.linalg.eigh. They are then stored as attributes energies and states in order of increasing energy, both are numpy arrays.

count_multiplicities(tolerance = 0.0001)

Counts the multiplicities of the energy eigenvalues, generating a list of multiplicities and list of non-repeated energies. These lists are subsequently stored as attributes multiplicities and reduced_energies.


tolerance: float, optional

Energy levels within tolerance of one another are considered degenerate.


The following attributes are created on initialisation

N: int

Number of spins in the system.

J: numpy array

NxN array of coupling strengths. J[i,j] is the coupling strength between spins i and j.

Sx: list of numpy arrays

A list of x-angular momentum operators corresponding to the Hilbert spaces of each spin.

Sy and Sz: list of numpy arrays

See Sx.

I: list of numpy arrays

A list of the identity operators corresponding to the Hilbert spaces of each spin.

B: numpy array

The magnetic flux densities at each spin in the system. B[i,j] is the jth component of the magnetic field at the ith spin.

H: numpy array

The Hamiltonian of the system.

The remaining attributes are not created on initialisation

energies: numpy array

Energy eigenvalues of the system, repeated according to degeneracy and stored in order of increasing energy.

Created by get_energies() and count_multiplicities()

states: numpy array

Energy eigenstates, stored in order of increasing energy.

Created by get_energies() and count_multiplicities()

multiplicities: list

List of the multiplicities of the energy eigenstates in order of increasing energy.

reduced_energies: list

List of the non-repeated energy levels. e.g. an 8-fold degenerate state will feature only once in this list.